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SKU: 965

Seeds per pack; approx. 20


Sow; April - Jun

Germination; 7 - 10 days at 15°C

Plant out; after frost.

Harvest; July - Oct


Runner beans (Phaseolus coccineus) are an extremely popular British Vegetable that originated from the mountains of Central America. They are often used as ornamental plants, but usually for their masses of flavourful, long beans.


White Emergo is a very popular, traditional variety with particularly attractive white flowers and white beans (can be used as butter beans). The white flowers are said to reduce damage from birds so great for areas with bird problems.

It is a vigorous and heavy cropping variety that copes well with adverse weather conditions.


Keep plants well watered, especially during hot and dry conditions.


I usually sow my beans in the card tubes from toilet/kitchen rolls filled with compost and placed in an unheated propagator (to keep out the mice and provide extra warmth) in the polytunnel from April.


Sow seeds approx. 5cm(2in) deep.

Once danger of frost has passed, gradually acclimatise plants before planting out at about 30cm apart.

Direct sow beans from May at 5cm deep, 30cm apart and rows spaced 150cm apart.


Try growing beans up a trellis or wigwam structure, they can reach up to 3m in height with a spread of 30cm.



Our seeds are specially selected for UK conditions and sourced from environmentally responsible, soil-associated organic growers. 


All our packaging is 100% recyclable, biodegradable and compostable. 


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