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SKU: 962

Seeds per pack;  approx. 400


Sow; Mar-July (all year round indoors).

Germination; 14-21 days

Harvest; 30-35 days from germination.

Height; 45 cm(18 in)


Basil came to europe from India through ancient Egypt and Greece. It is a tender annual known for its aromatic taste and its use in Italian cooking.


Sweet Genovese Basil is the classic Italian basil used for making pesto and added to pizza and pasta dishes. 


Use as a companion plant with tomatoes as it will help keep greenfly and other pests away.


Sow 0.5cm(¼ in) deep from March - July in trays or pots in a propagator or windowsill(22-24 Celcius).

When about 6cm tall transplant to individual pots(7.5 - 9cm).

For outdoors, harden off then transplant to about 20 cm apart after last frost.

Repot into larger pots/containers for windowsill/patio growing.

Direct sowings can be made from June.


Our seeds are specially selected for UK conditions and sourced from environmentally responsible, soil-associated organic growers.


All our packaging is 100% recyclable, biodegradable and compostable.


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